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Travel Insurance

Multi-trip insurance

Traveling to other countries is no more just an annual vacation with family. People have been traveling to foreign land, even if it is students or pensioners - all have traveling to a foreign land on their buck...


If you are planning a trip to any foreign country then you may want to cover yourself first before you fly. To be frank, we all have a beautiful dream to travel across the world to see the culture, historical p...

Travel insurance for Canada

Traveling to the other part of the earth is always fun but taking care of himself is also an important part of a trip. So before flying, make sure you buy travel insurance, doesn’t matter where you are going yo...

Short-term Health Insurance

We live in a world, where lifestyle diseases are on a rise, and every-one should be covered with health insurance. Enormous stress related to work and sedentary lifestyles or life, in general, is putting us at ...

Schengen Visa Health Insurance

A visit to a foreign country is always exciting, especially if it’s a first! We all must visit a foreign country at least once in our lifetime. Visiting a foreign country makes you realize what you were miss...

OPT (Optional Practical Training)

Overview Optional Practical Training (OPT) is temporary employment training permit that is directly related to an F-1 student’s major area of study. Eligible students (belongs to STEM degree) can apply to re...

Europe Travel Insurance

OVERVIEW Traveling around the world is the most exciting experience we all love to have. Every country around the world has something to offer, like their culture or some historic places, and the UK has the ...

Should you buy travel insurance?

Should you buy travel insurance? Yes, how else would you to protect yourself from . If you are planning to fly, you should be having travel insurance before going on any trip. It does sound like an unnecessary ...

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