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Air Tickets

5 Tips For a Perfect Adventurous Road Trip

Road trips are undeniably thrilling, and the freedom of the open road can be absolutely liberating. However, if you haven’t planned it out well, road trips can easily take a nasty turn for the worst. Heed these...

The Best Cocktails You Can Make On a Plane

Imagine yourself flying amidst the clouds, lost in your thoughts but missing the cocktail to add the zing to your perfect mood. While most airlines such as Qatar Air, Emirates, and Turkish Airlines offer compli...

6 Glass Beaches Around The World

If you haven’t seen a glass beach, you have missed out on one of the most spectacular views of your life.  Processed by nature, a glass beach is pure beauty. Vibrant, pleasing, and picture perfect for your Inst...

Tips For a Pregnant Woman For Flying

Pregnancy cannot hamper you travel plans unless you it is a complicated one or you are very close to your term. So, if you are pregnant and want to take that trip really bad, then simply follow CheapFareGuru’s ...

7 destinations where you can have a snowy white wedding

Imagine a perfect white snowy backdrop and the bride completing the picture with her flawless white gown all excited to say the wedding vows with the man of her dreams looking spectacular in black against the g...

The Most Remote Vacation Spots And How to Get There

Craving for some quality time with self, away from the fast life, juggling between work, home, and social obligations? Well, we agree that life can get very daunting sometimes and once a while we should step ba...

6 Badass Road Trips From Around The World

There’s nothing like hitting the road, with wild energy and enthusiasm gushing to explore the world. Here, we list down some of the badass road trips from around the world that you explore if you are a true adv...

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